Review: Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told by David Icke

SUMMARY REVIEW David Icke, Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told (David Icke Books, 2018). 750 pages. 6 Star: Measured Revelation on the War Between Humanity and the Satanic Deep State Reviewed by Robert David Steele There are three kinds of holistic thinking: secular, ecological, and cosmic. With the exception of David …

Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Planning to Deplatform & Terminate Funding (PayPal, Stripe) of Conservative Candidates in 2020

Stripe Deplatforms Independent Candidate Tommy Robinson Days Before EU Election Tommy Robinson, a right-wing activist and independent candidate for the EU elections, was bounced off of Stripe this week, severely limiting his ability to fundraise in the crucial final weeks of the campaign. Robinson is an official candidate on the ballot for the EU Parliament …

Penguin: Adobe Makes Open Source A Priority — This Will Not Save Them

How and Why Adobe is Making Open Source A Strategic Priority In October 2018, Adobe ranked as the 16th largest corporate open source contributor (per Github data), moving up the list from our 32ndranking in 2017. One of the reasons for this growth came from the acquisition of Magento in June 2018 and its open …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Reviews – Fake? Robert Steele: Banned, Deleted, Dishonest, & Worthless

Amazon Reviews: Factual or Fakey? Here’s a handy set of tips for the online shopper—LifeHacker tells us “How to Spot Fake Reviews on Amazon.” Writer Brendan Hesse grants there are innocent reasons for incorrect reviews at Amazon, like a user accidentally posting their review in the wrong place, or a software snafu inserting the wrong …

Paul Craig Roberts: Zionist Lies About World War II — the Holocaust (Fake News) Industry — America Starts Telling the Truth NOW

The Lies About World War II The famous British military historian, Sir John Keegan, wrote in the Times Literary Supplement: “Two books stand out from the vast literature of the Second World War: Chester Wilmot’s The Struggle for Europe, published in 1952, and David Irving’s Hitler’s War. Despite many such accolades, today Irving is demonized …

Ed Jewett: GoogleNews Bias Robert Steele: Lawsuit & Displacement of #GoogleGestapo with Four Nested Capabilities (Web 3.0)

SHORT URL: The CNN Search Engine: Google Search Results Overwhelmingly Favor Mainstream Media – Study According to data compiled by Northwestern University, Google search results overwhelmingly favor CNN compared to other news sources, followed by the New York Times and theWashington Post. Of the top 20 news sources promoted by Google in its “top stories,” the top results …