Yoda: Stephen Hawking – 1,000 Years Deadline for Finding New Planet

Disagree, we do. Earth can be saved. Stephen Hawking just gave humanity a due date for finding another planet If humanity survives the rise of artificial intelligence, the ravages of climate change and the threat of nuclear terrorism in the next century, it doesn’t mean we’re home free, according to Stephen Hawking. The renowned theoretical physicist has …

KINDLE: Global Reality – Overview of Planning and Programming Factors for Expeditionary Operations

Reality bats last — the US military has not been designed in the context of a Grand Strategy, nor has it been designed with any attention at all to Global Reality. The US military is too slow, too heavy, too expensive, too complex, and spread too thin to be effective — it cannot deter, defend, …

Yoda: Deep State – Satanic State – Pedophilia State

Seriously, this fellow take we. Frank Bacon (P) writes: Pedophilia, as horrific as it might be, may actually be the least of the great crimes that are being ignored by the US Government and other governments precisely because all these governments are servants to the elite rather than representatives of the public interest.

Mongoose: Electoral College To Overturn Trump Win? UPDATE 2 – Soros Buys Stein, Clinton Smells Blood, Trump Silent…

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Trump-Last-Stand UPDATE 2: Soros and others have bought Jill Stein, never the brightest nor most ethical person, she is seizing her $7 million and fifteen minutes of fame, and badly so. This is a presidential candidate who is so ignorant of the twelve ways the system is rigged she cannot even pretend to …

Mike Rogers: Russians Did It – Robert Steele: Baloney! UPDATE 1

NSA Chief: WikiLeaks Hacks of Democrats’ Emails Were a “Conscious Effort by a Nation-State” The WikiLeaks release of internal emails from the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign constituted a “conscious effort by a nation-state to attempt to achieve a specific effect,” the head of the National Security Agency said Tuesday. “There shouldn’t …