Answers: Steele for NATO Strategic Foresight

My preliminary contributions to the NATO Strategic Foresight Online Workshop. I have no appointment or connection to NATO or the Transformation Command. This workshop is open to the public without restriction. Characteristics of the Future Threats & Possibilities Economic Considerations Environmental Considerations Human Considerations I & II Political Considerations Technology Considerations Strategic Foresight I & …

Berto Jongman: Will US Collapse Soon? Robert Steele: Should EU Be Thinking About Post-US NATO?

Unthinkable: Brazilian Journalist Mulls Soviet-Style Collapse of US Citing a series of geopolitical, economic and social setbacks faced by the United States since the turn of the century, geopolitical analyst and Sao Paulo Business School Professor Antonio Gelis-Filho argues that global policy planners must prepare to deal with the “improbable, but by all means possible, …

Berto Jongman: Was John Kerry Shot in France? UPDATE 8 AP Kerry Alive With Photo

The first story has been replayed by Georgi Stankov at the second link. US Secretary Of State Kerry Reported “Gravely Wounded” After French Gun Battle Georgi Stankov & Boyd Kraigher: Another Massive ID Shift on May 31, 2015 UPDATE 8: AP Provides Photo of Kerry Alive Secretary of State John Kerry speaks to media as …

Robert Parry: Daniel Lazare on Why Islamic State is Winning

Why Islamic State Is Winning Exclusive: The Saudi-Israeli alliance and U.S. neocons have pressured President Obama into continuing U.S. hostility toward the secular Syrian government despite major military gains by the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front, leading to an emerging catastrophe in the Mideast, as Daniel Lazare explains.

James Mattis: US Suffers from Strategic Atrophy

Mattis: U.S. Suffering ‘Strategic Atrophy’ By: John Grady USNI News, 14 May 2014 Speaking in Washington, D.C., retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis said, “the perception is we’re pulling back” on America’s commitment to its allies and partners, leaving them adrift in a changing world. “We have strategic atrophy.”

2015 ANSWERS Robert Steele for Sean Lorenz on OSINT Update 3

There is a need for hard data and statistics on OSINT — why it has been relegated to the basement and distributed rather than consolidated as with the other disciplines, what it’s successes and failures have been. In how many cases did it provide Intelligence that was critical to mission success ? NEEDS DATA