Neal Rauhauser: Special Ops Look at Clandestine Insurgent and Terrorist Networks

What most will not realize is that the insights in the document are relevant to the growing anger and potential domestic insurgency in the USA. We have 2.5 million veterans from OEF/OIF, assuming 20% in combat that’s 500k, Army/Marines are about 20% black if I recall, so that’s 100k guys who have “seen the elephant”. …

Friends of Europe: Not Friendly, Not Thoughtful — Comment by Robert Steele

Friends of Europe (€2,281,515 a year budget) is delighted to send you the report of its last Security Jam, launched today at a debate with General Philip Breedlove, NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Europe and Ambassador Alain Le Roy, incoming Secretary General of the European External Action Service. European Union and NATO leaders must act …

Review (Guest): OPEN POWER – Electoral Reform Act of 2015 – Open Source Activist Tool-Kit with Long Comment by Robert Steele

Robert David Steele Last Exit to Democracy, February 26, 2015 By Retired Reader The author of this book, Robert Steele, has been a dedicated and patriotic advocate of reforming the U.S. Intelligence Community for over thirty years without noticeable success. Now he has taken on a bigger and much more important cause, reform of the …