Succinct History of Humanity & Earth and our Reason for Being

Author: Paul Seymour March 20, 2021 – Equinox A couple of weeks ago I was listening to an interview with Gene Decode, which is usually a pleasant, and informative experience. However, in this particular interview, he made some statements which directly conflicted with my own discernment, and which I found disturbing. He said that the …

Naomi Wolf: God Did NOT Give Israel to the Jews Nor Are They Chosen – Exploding the Myths . . .

Quote: Okay, so I was challenged [by someone]: “Read the Bible! God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people.” I may get crucified for this but I have started to say it — most recently (terrified, trembling) to warm welcome in a synagogue in LA: Actually if you read Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy …

Ed Jewett: Oppression by Orgasm (Mostly Fake) . . .

From Unz Review. Oppression by Orgasm? The Porn Industry as Jewish Anti-Fascist Activism & Cultural Terrorism According to Kerl, the ludicrous “fantasy” of a Jewish conspiracy behind pornography, which is irrationally promoted by far-right hate groups, is as follows: Jews use porn to “erode the allegedly ‘natural’ order of white supremacy,” to “subvert. . . …