Why Donald Trump Truly Terrifies Republicans – The Trump-Clinton Ticket

Why Donald Trump Truly Terrifies Republicans New Republic by Brian Beutler EXTRACT Trump is now inside the tent, pissing everywhere. He threatens to neutralize the potential of these voters, or train them as a weapon against their own natural party, while bulldozing inroads to minorities. By placing xenophobic immigration politics at the center of the …

2016: How Trump Can Win

SHORT URL This Post: http://tinyurl.com/2016-Trump-Wins “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” In my view, the two-party tyranny — the criminal cabal that has blocked 60% of the eligible voters in America from ballot access and meaningful participation in our national political process — a process Princeton and Jimmy Carter have both declared to …

Berto Jongman: $1 Trillion Lawsuit over Sandy Hook False Flag Terrorism by US Government

$1 Trillion Lawsuit Filed For Sandy Hook False Flag A filmmaker has decided to launch a $1 trillion dollar lawsuit against various big media companies over theirSandy Hook massacre coverage.  William Brandon Shanley has said that he has compelling evidence that suggests that no children or teachers died at Sandy Hook, and that the whole …