Review: Violent Politics — A History of Insurgency, Terrorism, and Guerrilla War, from the American Revolution to Iraq

William R. Polk 5.0 out of 5 stars Chuck Spinney Raves About This Book…., June 12, 2011 By Robert D. Steele (Oakton, VA United States) – See all my reviews Chuck Spinney, along with Pierre Sprey and Winslow Wheeler and a few others, one of the top twelve brains with integrity on US defense fraud, …

Review: To Save America Stopping Obama’s Secular-Socialist Machine

Newt Gingrich and *many* other contributors. Hyperbole Squared, Disingenious, Mostly Theater, June 2, 2011 I happen to like Newt Gingrich, but no one has held him accountable on matters of truth for decades. When I was elected Virtual President at the Huffington Post (search for Robert David Steele), Newt was my choice for Vice President …