Review: Cash on Delivery–CIA Special Operations During the Secret War in Laos

The Real Deal–Gripping Details & Lessons Learned & Lost November 21, 2009 Thomas Leo Briggs I served with the author in the clandestine service, saw the galley of this book in its early form, and was delighted when I received a copy of the finished book in the mail. This is an absorbing detailed reference …

Journal: Versailles on the Potomac Implodes…Again

Chuck Spinney sends…. The Afghan debacle is becoming a case study of how political debate in Versailles drips in a naturally self-organizing way to protect the dysfunctional status quo. As I indicated yesterday and in September, the fundamental flaw that set the stage for the current policy making fiasco was the unexamined analytical hole in …

Journal: Defense Research, Science, & Technology

DoD Suppressed Critique of Military Research New DoD Website Fosters Secret Science Phi Beta Iota:Two reports today confirm our grave doubts about the viability of U.S. Departemnt of Defense (DoD) research in general, and Science & Technology (S&T) in particular.  In combination with the known grid-loock and inherent loss of integrity within defense acquisition, these …

Definitions: M4IS2 (Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making

In 1988 a global campaign started at the Marine Corps Intelligence Center (MCIC) with the discovery that 80% or more of what the Marine Corps needed to do policy, acquisition, and operations support for this unique expeditionary and constabulary force, was not secret, not expensive, but also not known to anyone in Washington, D.C.  Thus …

Event: 12-15 Nov 09 San Mateo (SF), Engaging the Other: The Power of Compassion

An International, Multidisciplinary, Multicultural Conference examining concepts of “The OTHER” from a universal, cross-cultural perspective to promote wider public dialogue about images of “Us and Them” This event is warmly recommended by both the National Coalition for Dialog & Deliberation (NCDD) and Phi Beta Iota.  It is the kind of event that every member of …