Honour Society: Chapter Creation and Affiliation

Phi Beta Iota is an Epoch B organization in which individual membership and chapter affiliation are free and the global virtual network thrives on the basis of information-sharing, aggregate sense-making, and trust. Below are three depictions: Collective Intelligence (Humanities side of the World Brain) and Cognitive Science (Science side of the World Brain) Organizational Intelligence …


Phi Beta Iota Objectives Encourage and recognize public intelligence in the public interest Advance public knowledge of the proven process of intelligence (decision-support) Requirements definition Collection management Source discovery & vetting Advanced machine-speed automated processing Advanced desktop analytic tool sets Value of Free/Open Source Software (F/OSS) over partial proprietary “entrapment” “Full-Spectrum” Human Intelligence (HUMINT) harnessing …

Review: Radical Man–The Process of Psycho-Social Development

Seminal Work, Get It Used, Should Be Reprinted November 23, 2007 Charles Hampden-Turner This book changed my life in the sense that it served as a foundation for my first Master’s thesis on Predicting Revolution, work that has not yet been surpassed. I myself developed one side of the matrix, finding through the secondary literature …

Reference: Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report on Information Operations (IO), Electronic Warfare (EW), and Cyberwar: Capabilities and Related Policy Issues

Information Operations (IO) is improperly defined by most as being technical in nature.  It is not.  Properly understood, IO should cover the totality of information in all its forms, and Human Intelligence (HUMINT) is the primary player.  Below is a fine CRS report on this topic from an electronic point of view. The Special Operations …