SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 1 Dec 09

Hot Topics AA: Calderon: Drugs Can’t Be Eliminated but Crime Can 11/27/09 AA: Ibero-American countries form cross-border crime fighting alliance 11/26/09 BR: Jobs, economics complicate Brazil’s Amazon fight 11/26/09 BR: Iranian Leader’s Visit to Brazil Takes the Gloss off Lula’s International Image 11/29/09 CO: Colombian Warlord Shows Up at Hearing with $100K for Victims 12/01/09 …

Journal: Climate battle bill to top $300 billion–Guyana

PORT OF SPAIN — The true cost of fighting climate change will top 300 billion dollars and developed countries may balk at footing the bill, Guyana’s Prime Minister Bharrat Jagdeo said Saturday. Leading economists have calculated that “the cost of action and mitigation would be about one percent of the global economy,” he told journalists. …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 30 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: Mercenary Mann says South Africa backed coup plot 11/29/09 AA: Are SA mercenaries assisting Guinea’s military junta? 11/26/09 AO: Angola: Armed forces reiterate support for public health services 11/26/09 CD: DR Congo appeals for arrest of FDLR leaders in Western countries 11/26/09 ET: Ethiopia’s Human Rights Reports presented to the African Commission …

Search: matrix for sustainable communities

This comes up in connection with communities seeking to achieve sustainable lviing, both as communities (residents) and governments (municipalities. Two versions of the 12 Traits of Sustainable Communities are available, one abbreviated, one in-depth.  Reach both via the logo.  The second is a 22-page handbook (on its way to 500 pages)  from June 2009 that …

PACOM Week in Review Ending 29 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: ASEAN, China to co-operate on fight against terror, crime 11/25/09 BD: ‘Indian insurgents fleeing Bangladesh’ 11/27/09 CN: China to launch second lunar probe next October 11/26/09 IN: ‘Defence forces need latest informartion warfare skills’ 11/27/09 IN: India to probe Chinese drug imports 11/27/09 IN: Mumbai marks anniversary of terror attacks 11/26/09 TH: …