Reference: Invisible Empire New World Order DVD + RECAP

Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full 2 hours, 14 minutes, 1 second — free online, click on title above Jason Bermas [creator or Loose Change movie] presents Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined produced by Alex Jones. The film can be ordered here or viewed free online (click on title above). …

Journal: To “Win” the Cyber War, Start with a Brain

ADM McConnell has it right, although he’s understating a key aspect of the problem.  Let’s postulate that we have abundant technical capability.  The core of the problem, IMHO, lies with lawyers and legislators who will not permit effective utilization of the technical capability.  While easier said than done, particularly in terms of domestic and international …

MILNET Headlines, 23 February 2010

ClimateGate as Crime:  Climategate Meets the Law, Senator Calls for Criminal Investigation Commentary:  Beware of ‘Comprehensive’ Anything Cuber-Security:  Who runs cyber policy? Cyber-Security:  ‘Sophisticated’ Hack Hit Intel in January Cyber-Security:  Cyber attacks will ‘catastrophically’ spook public, warns GCHQ Iraq:  Iraq watchdog proposes new agency to manage reconstruction US Congress:  Two Million So Congress Can Watch …

Journal: From Rhetoric to Reality–Four in Power

Establishment Unsheathes the Long knives in Versailles??????? America: A fearsome foursome (Financial Times) By Edward Luce Financial Times Published: February 3 2010 20:09 Phi Beta Iota: The Financial Times is retarded (yes, the R-word, used with love) and has not yet caught up to the fact that required registrations are so TIRED.  We provide the …

Review: Comeback America–Turning the Country Around and Restoring Fiscal Responsibility (Hardcover)

Ten Years Late, More Whimper than Roar February 7, 2010 David Walker I was watching David Walker as he served nine of his fifteen years at Comptroller General, with light-weight whimpers to Congress until he finally got Peter Peterson to bail him out of government and give him a chunk of cash for making movies …