Answers: Steele for NATO Strategic Foresight

My preliminary contributions to the NATO Strategic Foresight Online Workshop. I have no appointment or connection to NATO or the Transformation Command. This workshop is open to the public without restriction. Characteristics of the Future Threats & Possibilities Economic Considerations Environmental Considerations Human Considerations I & II Political Considerations Technology Considerations Strategic Foresight I & …

Jack Davis: Modern Analytic Tradecraft

Commenting on Berto Jongman: Modernizing Analytical Training + Robert Steele & RECAP Remember the Gorge Carver-Gorge Allen contrasting mindsets in predicting the outcome in Vietnam.  The optimistic Carver argued , “if, if, if, we’re going to win.  The pessimistic Allen countered: “unless, unless, unless we’re going to lose.” In more formal argumentation, the “ifs” and …

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Human Collaboration Key to Big Data Progress and Future of Internet?

Is (Human) Collaboration the Key to Big Data Progress? The article titled Big Data Must Haves: Capacity, Compute, Collaboration on GCN offers insights into the best areas of focus for big data researchers. The Internet2 Global Summit is in D.C. this year with many exciting panelists who support the emphasis on collaboration in particular. The …

2015 ANSWERS Robert Steele for Sean Lorenz on OSINT Update 3

There is a need for hard data and statistics on OSINT — why it has been relegated to the basement and distributed rather than consolidated as with the other disciplines, what it’s successes and failures have been. In how many cases did it provide Intelligence that was critical to mission success ? NEEDS DATA