Robert Steele @ Amazon: NATO 2040 – Intelligence (Decision-Support) as Root for Transformation (Trump Revolution Book 50)

Steele, Robert, NATO 2040: Intelligence (Decision-Support) as Root for Transformation (Amazon CreateSpace, Earth Intelligence Network, 2020) It may be counterintuitive, but the Presidency of Donald J. Trump is potentially the best thing that could have happened if the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is to “rebalance” and transform, reaching 2040 with four major force configurations, …

NATO Innovation Hub: Survey and Online Conference – Future Operational Environment

Survey U.S. Army’s Mad Scientist Initiative is conducting an online survey querying your thoughts about the Operational Environment. This survey will also feed NATO’s upcoming Operations 2040 Project. It takes only 5 minutes to complete the short survey here. Interim findings will be discussed during the 29 Jan online conference. 29 Jan Online Conference Together …

Yoda: CIA’s Open Source Enterprise Blows (Again)

US to close CIA division’s UK intelligence monitoring unit The US is to close its monitoring unit in the UK, marking the end of nearly 75 years of side-by-side collaboration with the BBC’s open-source intelligence division at Caversham Park. The Open Source Enterprise, a division of the US’s Central Intelligence Agency, has been run out …

Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize – Robert David Steele

The below information was compiled at the request of Jan Helge Kalvik, Editor-in-Chief of Defence and Intelligence Norway. He submitted the below three documents to a Norwegian Minister who is an accredited nominator, with the recommendation that an official nomination be made. Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) – A Nordic Manifesto Open Source Intelligence Done …