David Sachs: The End of BigTech — Next Up: Web 3.0

David Sacks @DavidSacks Twitter & FB ban accounts. “It’s not censorship, you can create your own app.” Then Google & Apple ban apps. “It’s not censorship, create your own website.” Then Amazon bans web hosting. “It’s not censorship, create your own…” What? Your own internet? Just so you can tweet? https://twitter.com/DavidSacks/status/1348192144486354944

Berto Jongman: Future of Web 3.0 Internet Not Bright At All . . .

Internet 2021: Here’s what the new year will (and won’t) bring Now more than ever we depend on the internet for work, school, and fun. Will the internet providers rise to the challenge? Probably not. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, ZDNet . . . as Tom Wheeler, former FCC chairman and a visiting fellow in Governance Studies …