Robert Steele: A New Banking Era & Autonomous Zones – Reconciliation with Japan, Exit Strategy for the Zionists, Solution for the Kurds? UPDATE Mongol Manchuria

A New Banking Era & Autonomous Zones Reconciliation with Japan, Exit Strategy for the Zionists, Solution for the Kurds? Robert David Steele UPDATE: Putin has invited Kim to visit Russia, and this is likely to happen. A source in Japan reports that the Japanese and Koreans want Russia involved in order to dilute US role …

Benjamin Fulford: New Financial Crisis Coming Soon — But Banks and Zionists Are On the Run…

New financial crisis likely as Western civil war intensifies in Washington D.C., Europe, Brazil and elsewhere The pushback against Trump’s Zionist blackmail-induced activity in the Middle East could be seen when “the House on May 23 banned Trump from declaring war on Iran without Congressional approval, and Congress on May 24 killed a measure for …

Henry Makow: War is a Satanic Sacrifice

Memorial Day Celbrates Satanic Human Sacrifice Monday is Memorial Day in the US, dedicated to honoring the war dead. Cabalist (Masonic) central bankers follow a long-term plan to degrade and enslave humanity. This is what Communism is really about. They finance both sides of every war to make human sacrifices to their God Satan, to make money and extend their tyranny.  Illuminati …