Advanced Cyber/IO: Knowledge Integration

Phi Beta Iota: It has become evident that this integrative post is needed.  It should be obvious–but evidently it is not–that both Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2) are inherently integrating by nature.  Both are the anti-thesis to “Rule by Secrecy” and the Weberian concept of stove-piped …

Connecting the Dots: ALL of Them

Contribution to Google Group Next Net Medard Gabel, co-creator with Buckminster Fuller of the analog World Game, created the architecture concept and staffing-funding model for the digital EarthGame(TM).  Learn more here. About: EarthGame and World Brain Review: Designing A World That Works For All Who’s Who in Earth Intelligence: Medard Gabel Worth a Look: Medard …

Serious (Honest) Thinking About US Budget

Dear friends, The three articles below describe major approaches to addressing the deficit — for health care, taxes and the military — that would have a greater impact on America’s budget woes than ANYTHING being currently negotiated by Congress and the Obama Administration.  Even better, these three things would, if implemented, actually improve the quality …