Zero Hedge: CJ Hopkins: Mainstream Media Has Been Conditioning You For This Uprising For Four Years

CJ Hopkins: Mainstream Media Has Been Conditioning You For This Uprising For Four Years Authored by CJ Hokpins via The Consent Factory, The Minneapolis Putsch America is still a racist country, but America is no more racist today than it was when Barack Obama was president. A lot of American police are brutal, but no …

DONATE DIRECT To LtGen Michael Flynn — Impoverished and Betrayed by Covington Law Firm, Rescued by Sidney Powell, But Needs Operating Funds Today UPDATE Additional Ben Garrison Cartoon

I join Rush Limbaugh, receipient of the Medal of Freedom, in urging all citizens who care about the future of this country to donate to the Legal Defense Fund for General Michael Flynn. He was impoverished and betrayed by the Covington Law Firm, in malicious conspiracy with Eric Holder and other scum within the Obama …

Mongoose: Joe Biden, the “Hang the Blacks” Senator?

Authentic black leaders appear to consider Joe Biden to be a senile sanctimoneous sack of shit who hates  blacks on the one hand, and fronts for Wall Street criminals on  the other.  What’s not to like? 2019-08-05 Reward offered for stolen historical marker in memory of lynching victim 2019-06-27 Historians say Prices Corner not sole …

Robert Steele: Appeals Court Slams Judge Sullivan in Mike Flynn Case, CNBC Maliciously Mis-Represents the Entire Case

Appeals court orders Michael Flynn judge to respond to demand for dismissal of case against ex-Trump advisor ROBERT STEELE: Read the article to see just how dishonest CNBC and its reporters can be.  I am disgusted.  The time has come for the President to use his War Powers to take over the mainstream and social …

Release: President Trump Briefed on NSA Capabilities Against Financial Crime

RELEASE President Trump Briefed on NSA Capabilities Against Financial Crime Senior-level sources confirm that President Trump is now fully aware of NSA holdings relevant to mapping all individuals on Wall Street engaged in organized financial crime. WASHINGTON, D.C. Earth Intelligence Network has learned that President Donald Trump has been briefed on and is now fully …