Breaking: DNI Clapper Complicity in Lying About Seth Rich and Russian Witchhunt?

HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Following Last Week’s Release Attorney Clevenger Alleges Office of DNI Has Communications Between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks – Russia Collusion a Lie! ROBERT STEELE:  Jim Clapper is totally fucked.  This puts him right up there with John Brennan for a one way ticket to Guantanamo. Gina Haspel is also fucked — Chief of …

Robert Steele: General Michael Flynn Exonerated — No Pardon Needed — Covington Should Be Sued for $3.5M Full Reimbursement and DoJ Should Indict All DoJ and FBI Traitors Starting with Joe Pientka

Breaking: Flynn Case Dropped by Justice Department Breaking: Mueller Thug Attorney Brandon Van Grack Resigns From Flynn Case, Other Govt Cases After Bombshell Documents Reveal He Hid Brady Material President Donald Trump: “I Hope a Lot of People Pay a Big Price – Because They Are Crooked, Dishonest People!” Covington — and Eric Holder — …

Mongoose: Deep State Law Firm Covington and Burling Refuses Court Order to Turn Over Records of Eric Holder Relevant to Their Betrayal of General Mike Flynn . . .

Gen. Flynn’s Initial Law Firm Covington and Burling Defies Court Request – Resists Turning Over Eric Holder Phone Records on Flynn Case President Obama’s first Attorney General, Eric Holder, left a corrupt life in public office and returned to the law firm Covington.  While at Covington, lawyers from his firm represented General Mike Flynn and …

Should Covington & Burling Get a Porcupine Enema and Anthony, Chertoff, Holder, Kelner, and Smith Lose Their Law Licenses For Betraying General Michael Flynn?

SHORT URL: Tuesday Surprise Rocks Flynn Case: Former Lawyers Failed To Produce Another Pile Of Evidence Covington & Burling LLP told the court its search team failed to search all of the law firm’s records and missed the documents, mostly emails. The documents were produced to Powell on Tuesday.

Robert Steele: DoJ Begins Process of Exonerating Mike Flynn?

I have been an unabashed fan of General Michael Flynn, USA (Ret) ever since I studied his harsh truths as published in Fixing Intel, and then wrote the article, hand-delivered to Chuck Hagel’s house and intended to stop Mike Flynn from being fired by the Deep State puppet known as Barack Obama, On Defense Intelligence, …

Robert Steele: Jared Kushner, Shadow President — Coronavirus 5G Opportunity for a Revolution?

I and most of my professional colleagues hold Jared Kushner in high disdain. At one level  this is a man-child , slum-lord, agent of a foreign power (Israel) who also took a $1 billion bribe from Qatar, which should have seen him immediately expelled from the White House and denied all clearances. Many of us …