Matt Ehret: China versus the Deep State (UK / Five Eyes)

China’s Global Times Decries the White Supremacist Five Eyes Surveillance State Although it sometimes took the early removal of nationalist political leaders from power, via intrigue, coups or assassination, the 20th century was shaped in large measure by the cancerous growth of this British-directed network that sought to undo the republican concept that progress and cooperation …

Matt Ehret: British Roots of the Deep State

New Revelations Shed Light on the British Roots of the Deep State On February 4, 2021 an incredible array of original documents were published online anonymously featuring the largest array of evidence that British Intelligence, GCHQ and MI6 operating through a multitude of front organizations like Bellingcat and the Integrity Initiative have been working non-stop …

Mongoose: Putin Terminates Rothschilds, Central Banks, and World Trade Organization — If He Can Do It So Can We!

Putin Announces Total Independence from ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar “The greatest tradition that can be passed on to your kids and grandchildren is not cash or other material things built up in life, however, rather a tradition of liberty from enslavement.”Putin declares Russia to be finally free from the ‘icy grip’ of Lord Jacob Rothschild By …

Ben Fulford: Occupation of Israel? Military Take Down of Credit Card Companies & Big Tech?

Massive March Campaign Planned Against Global Idiocracy The Khazarian Mafia Cabal that controls the West and Communist China is rejecting the Gnostic Illuminati’s demand to surrender and is about to face a massive March campaign to permanently eradicate its membership, multiple agencies and secret society sources say. The Cabal is now in panic mode after …