Bin Laden Show: Entries 00-99 UPDATED 2 April 2016

Bin Laden Show….world’s most expensive PSYOP that keeps on giving. SHORT URL: 2016-04-02 BBC Censored Benazir Bhutto’s Report that Bin Laden Had Been Murdered 2016-03-01 Osama bin Laden’s will, personal letters made public Bin Laden died in 2001; several fakes followed. The last Bin Laden was a patsy provided by the government of Pakistan …

Occupy Update (Inter-Occupy National Initiatives)

Occupy Update (Inter-Occupy National Initiatives) Posted on 2011/12/26   Past Call Notes Official Announcements and Notes for This Meeting Informal notes below the line.   Direct Report on Media Group VERY impressive.  Monitoring media better than any government.  Thinking creatively about messaging, outreach. Discussion of National Hearts and Minds Strategy Working group forming Discussion of …

Chuck Spinney: Greece in Freefall, Preview of USA in 2013?

Europe in crisis: Greece in chaos Personally and collectively, the Greeks don’t understand and can’t cope with what’s happening now, let alone what will happen next. The welfare state is being swiftly and deliberately dismantled without any time to set up replacements Noëlle Burgi Le Monde diplomatique, December 2011 EXTRACT: The Greeks struggle to see …

Jon Lebkowsky: Memory, Association, and the Pathology of Excessive “Identification” with Anything

Thinking about memory, association, and identification by jonl A lesson in memory. Phi Beta Iota:  Full reflections below the line.  Wait for the aha at the end.  God is what happens when we create community which is inherently in contradiction with our identifying deeply with anything other than God/community.  This is deep and worth swimming …