Review: Cosmic Weather Report — Notes from the Edge of the Universe

Mark Borax and Ellias Lonsdale Phenomenal Starting Point for Anyone Opening Up, May 24, 2011 Disclosure: I bought this book because I am negotiating a contract with the publisher for a book in their new Manifesto series (tentative title: Manifesto for Truth–Public Intelligence in the Public Interest). I wanted to get a “sense” of where …

Defense and the Deficit–Busting the Defense Bubble, Ending Defense Entitlement

Last Saturday’s issue of Barron’s ran a cover story on the deficit and their own take on how to address it.  In contrast to the recent recommendations from President Obama and the House Republicans, defense was actually “on the table,” not “at” it.  In the absence of any adult thinking on the deficit since the …

Bin Laden Show 41: Captured, Lost or at Camp Peary

The plot thickens. Option A1: He really did survive kidney malfunction and was alive (age 54).  He was captured and his “execution” faked in front of his family after their helicopter ride as prisoners self-destructed, or not faked at all, the family in Pakistani custody is putting out the joint military deception line.  Pakistan gets …

Bin Laden Show 29: Wikipedia 75% Summary

//F-6 INFO//F-6 INFO//F-6 INFO// Death of Osama bin Laden From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Operation Neptune’s Spear) Phi Beta Iota: Assuredly worth a look.  Well-organized but probably developed by CIA sock-puppets, gives almost no attention to the so-called conspiracy theories and completely misses, among many other important counter-factuals, Dr. Dr. Steve Pieczenik (BLS …