BREAKING: China, Iran, Russia, Turkey Recognize Nancy Pelosi as the Legitimate President of the United States of America … Cite Trump’s Precedent with Venezuela!

We do not make this shit up (most of the time). Citing Trump’s precedent with Venezuela, in which the Speaker of the House in Venezuela has been recognized by the USA as the legitimate President (never mind that the Speaker did not participate in the most recent election which was clearly won by President Maduro, …

Penguin: Facebook Fraud #GoogleGestapo Core Value

Facebook Slides After Report Claims 50% Of Its Users Are Fake Facebook Ripped Off Game-Playing Kids And Their Parents In Multi-Year “Friendly Fraud” Scheme Internal Facebook Memo Reveals The Company Encouraged ‘Friendly Fraud’ When parents found out how much their children had spent – one 15-year-old racked up $6,500 in charges in about two weeks playing games on Facebook …

Robert Steele: No, Virginia, China Is Not Going to Sink Two US Aircraft Carriers in the South China Sea

Chinese Admiral Wants To “Sink Two US Aircraft Carriers” Over South China Sea Who does Major-General Luo Yuan speak for? Alert Reader says: The rank is academic, not military.  He is not part of the chain of command. He appears to be largely ignored by everyone. Those attempting to alarm the public on Fox et al …