Ben Norton @ Salon: Col Lawrence Wilkerson, USA (Ret) Condemns US Military-Industrial Complex

“We are the death merchant of the world”: Ex-Bush official Lawrence Wilkerson condemns military-industrial complex The military-industrial complex “is much more pernicious than Eisenhower ever thought,” says the retired US colonel “Was Bill Clinton’s expansion of NATO — after George H. W. Bush and [his Secretary of State] James Baker had assured Gorbachev and then …

ANSWERS: Robert Steele for Gary Null on 9/11 — Who Did It and More…

Below as asked and answered for a Gary Null special commemorating 9/11 and the efforts of the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth as led by Richard Gage. Their event in NYC on 10-11 September 2016 is highly recommended and will feature Danny Sheehan, among others. Only some of the answers may be used for …

Robert Steele: Cracks in Official Narratives — Smerconish Threatens Guliani and GOP “You Go After Clinton’s Health, We’ll Go After 9/11 As An Inside Job”

I have just watched Michael Smerconish threaten Rudy Guliani and the Republican Party on CNN. It was, in one word, FASCINATING! Reading between the lines, Michael Smeronish has opened the door for a complete fracturing of the official two-party narrative that keeps 70% of the public disenfranchised and 99% of the public ill-informed and enslaved. …

Antechinus: 9/11 Insider Trading — Multiple Independent Reports

9/11 – The Evidence For Insider Trading After 9/11, there were indications that traders with inside information had benefited financially from the terrorist attacks. The list was long and included traders in the US, Germany, Japan, France Luxembourg, the UK, Switzerland, Spain, and even Hong Kong. Ernst Welteke, President of the German Deutsche Bundesbank, told …