Berto Jongman: US Business Lobbying At Least Double What Is Reported (Never Mind Foreign Lobbying and Zionist Blackmail of Congress)

Business Group Spending on Lobbying in Washington Is at Least Double What’s Publicly Reported MapLight reviewed tax returns from almost 100 trade organizations and nonprofits to identify unregulated spending on items described as “advocacy,” “consulting,” “contributions,” “coalitions,” “consortiums,” “government affairs,” “communications,” “programs,” “special projects,” “dues,” “memberships,” and “subscriptions.” Phi Beta Iota: AIPAC likes to hand …

Robert Steele: Epstein Not Dead, Case Dismissed, Stolen Money Safe — Epstein Laughing!

SHORT URL: 20191111:  EPSTEIN, AL BAGHDADI AND THE POINT — Both Alive The perfect getaway: The Hill: Judge orders case against Epstein over NY Post: Jeffrey Epstein an ‘evil genius’ for filing will in the Virgin Islands CLOSED. The story is never going to be covered properly.  Here are the nine veils of evil …

Robert Steele: Is the Director of the FBI Dishonest? How Is White Nationalism More of a Threat than Zionist Bribery & Blackmail?

FBI director says white supremacy is a ‘persistent, pervasive threat’ to the US I have zero confidence in the Director of the FBI, and I believe he should be fired. He is not serving the President or the public when he says stupid shit like this. Zionist Israel — represented by AIPAC and ADL and …

SPECIAL: Open Letter to the New York Times (“All the News Allowed by Zionists”) — Your BDS Article is DISHONEST

Letter to the Editor, New York Times Is B.D.S. Anti-Semitic? A Closer Look at the Boycott Israel Campaign Your BDS article is dishonest.  Zionist Israel is an invented, genocidal, apartheid criminal state and most Jews oppose both the existence of the state, and its treatment of Palestinians.  I attach two images for information. I doubt …