How Does Trump End? 16 Experts Opine

How Does Trump End? 16 experts from across the political spectrum share their predictions. ‘There is nobody strong enough to stop him.’ By Van Jones, former Obama administration special advisor for green jobs.

Jean Lievens: Social Europe on Digital Revolution – Impact on Work and Inequality

What Impact Does The Digital Revolution Have On Work And Inequality? The following is a transcript of a Social Europe podcast in which Social Europe Editor-in-Chief Henning Meyer discusses the impact of the Digital Revolution on the nature of work and inequality with Michael A. Osborne, Associate Professor in Machine Learning and Co-Director of the Oxford Martin …

Why Donald Trump Truly Terrifies Republicans – The Trump-Clinton Ticket

Why Donald Trump Truly Terrifies Republicans New Republic by Brian Beutler EXTRACT Trump is now inside the tent, pissing everywhere. He threatens to neutralize the potential of these voters, or train them as a weapon against their own natural party, while bulldozing inroads to minorities. By placing xenophobic immigration politics at the center of the …

2016: How Trump Can Win

SHORT URL This Post: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” In my view, the two-party tyranny — the criminal cabal that has blocked 60% of the eligible voters in America from ballot access and meaningful participation in our national political process — a process Princeton and Jimmy Carter have both declared to …

Answers: Steele for NATO Strategic Foresight

My preliminary contributions to the NATO Strategic Foresight Online Workshop. I have no appointment or connection to NATO or the Transformation Command. This workshop is open to the public without restriction. Characteristics of the Future Threats & Possibilities Economic Considerations Environmental Considerations Human Considerations I & II Political Considerations Technology Considerations Strategic Foresight I & …

Reference: Italian Military Strategic Outlook

Osservatorio Strategico Outlook 2015 (Centre for High Defence Studies, Military Centre for Strategic Studies, Republic of Italy) Part I: Global Outlook Part II: Regional Analysis (Middle East; Afghan Theater; Balkan-Dnubian Region and Turkey; Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia; India and the Indian Ocean; China; Asia-Pacific; Latin America) Part III: Sectorial Analysis (European Defense Initiatives, …