Scott Bennett: What Assange Will Tell Congress…

Julian Assange will be presenting material to the US Congress which will do the following: 1.  Confirm that Russia did not provide the cables and emails and other computer materials obtained from the Democrat National Committee computer servers, but instead confirm that Congressional staffer Seth Rich was the source, and was killed for it.  Julian …

Richard Gage: Lawyers’ Committee ‘Names Names’ in New 9/11 Grand Jury Filing

Lawyers’ Committee ‘Names Names’ in New 9/11 Grand Jury Filing Today, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry — with whom AE911Truth has partnered in our ongoing Grand Jury Investigation Project — announced the filing of a “petition supplement” naming persons who may have information material to the federal grand jury investigation of the World Trade …

Mongoose: Is Jared Kushner Going to Jail? (Following in His Father’s Footsteps?)

Qatar Shocked, Shocked to Learn It Accidentally Bailed Out Jared Kushner Doha insists it was an “unwitting” partner in the deal. Last August, an economic miracle occurred. Eleven years after a young Jared Kushner purchased an aging skyscraper that would become an albatross around his family’s neck, and six months before the Kushners would have …

John Whitehead: Jackboots in the Morning: No One Is Spared From This American Nightmare

Jackboots in the Morning: No One Is Spared From This American Nightmare The American Police State does not discriminate. Whatever dangerous practices you allow the government to carry out now—whether it’s in the name of national security or protecting America’s borders or making America great again—rest assured, these same practices can and will be used …

SPECIAL: Review: The Shadow President – The Truth About Mike Pence

Michael D’Antonio & Peter  Eisner 4 Stars — Hit Job on Trump, Destroys Pence This book buries Mike Pence — ignorant, lazy, delusional, ambitious beyond his abilities. Although I remove one star for the relatively low-brow trashing of our President (Donald Trump), on balance the authors have rendered a stellar public service with this book.  …