Robert Steele @ Amazon: REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE – 30 Years in the Wilderness

EPIC FULL COLOR 8.5″ x 11″ From 1989 to 2019 — for 30 years — the author, himself a former CIA spy and Marine Corps intelligence officer as well as the senior civilian responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA), has sought to reform U.S. Intelligence. The secret world costs the U.S. taxpayer …

SPECIAL: The Hammer — Key to Coup — Virtual Guilloutine for Ten+ Traitors Starting with Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Curtis?

THE HAMMER IS THE KEY TO THE COUP Mary Fanning and Alan Jones The American Report | November 10, 2019 Brennan and Clapper used THE HAMMER to spy on Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, 159 Article III judges, FISA Court Presiding Judge Reggie Walton, members of Congress, Wall Street …

Robert Steele: Leonard Pozner Attempting to Delete and Make Invisible All Posts Critical of the Flawed Legal Finding in the Sandy Hook Case?

Attempt to Vanish Posts Critical of the Sandy Hook Hoax Libel Judgment A request under the name of Leonard Pozner — the plaintiff in that case — was submitted to Google, asking it to deindex these criticisms (which aren’t themselves covered by the judgment). ROBERT STEELE: I believe the Pozner vs Fetzner case in Wisconsin, …

Robert Steele: Is This How USG Corrupts & Controls Domestic Police?

I keep hearing from people repeating what Governor Jesse Ventura and former LAPD and author Mike Ruppert have been saying: that CIA has every police department across the country penetrated and controlled — and that either CIA or FBI or the Department of Defense can “assume jurisdiction” on any case in any locality across the …

Steven Aftergood: Leaker Intentions Are Ruled Out by Court

A Leaker’s Motives Are Irrelevant, Gov’t Says Disclosing classified information without authorization is a crime even if the leaker had good intentions and was motivated by a larger public interest, the government said this week. Therefore, any mention of the purpose of the disclosure should be ruled out of bounds in trial, government attorneys argued. …