Open Source Everything – Agency or Company or Network or All Three?

USDI OSA Memo Enclosure 1 CMC Article USDI OSA Memo Enclosure 2 CINCSOC USDI OSA Memo Enclosure 3 Leadership Brief USDI OSA Memo Enclosure 4 Staff Brief USDI OSA Memo Enclosure 5 Timeline USDI OSA Memo Enclosure 6 Future RELATED Reference: 9-11 Commission Pages 23 and 413 Providing for a Separate Open Source Agency (OSA) …

Advisory – Former Intelligence Leaders to Outline Illegal Government Spying, Criminality; Will Present “Ways to Save Our Country” at Disclosure Conference (Ventura, CA, 23-25 August 2019)

PRESS ADVISORY SHORT URL: Former Intel. Leaders to Outline Illegal Gov. Spying, Criminality and “Ways to Save Our Country” at Dimensions of Disclosure Conference With Trump’s Base in Revolt, Robert David Steele and William Binney Forecast 2020 Election

Robert Steele: Byrne – Butina FBI & DoJ Misconduct? Clinton Donations from Russia, Brady Violations?

Russia Probe Twist: A Billion Dollar CEO, A Convicted Russian Agent And The FBI Overstock CEO Turned Over Docs To DOJ ‘on FBI’s Russian and Hillary Clinton Probes’ This is going to become the greatest political scandal in US history. If we survive it, and if Rule of Law returns to America, it will be …

Ray McGovern: Judge Hands FBI & NSA Their Ass — Documents to be Declassified [PBI: This Will Also Explode the Maliciously Manufactured Cases Against LtGen Mike Flynn and Roger Stone]

Rich’s Ghost Haunts the Courts UPDATED: It is verboten to utter his name, but a lawsuit and possible declassification of NSA documents could get to the bottom of the Seth Rich controversy. Butowsky’s libel lawsuit can now proceed to discovery, which will include demands for documents and depositions that are likely to shed light on …

Event: UNCENSORED Dimensions of Disclosure 23-25 August 2019 Ventura, California

The schedule is now finalized. Sacha Stone, Robert Steele, William Binney, and David Wilcock are the Saturday afternoon and evening. Please share this with others — a major documentary will be made out of this event, it will be epic. Full disclosure is inevitable. Learn when, why, and how. There are no corporate sponsors …

Robert Steele: DoJ Review of CIA Russian Analysis — About Time (Mike Morrell is Afraid, Very Afraid, and So He Should Be)

Ex-top CIA official perturbed by John Durham’s review of intelligence analysts ROBERT STEELE: Worth a full read. Mike Morrell is afraid, and so he should be, because it will become immediately clear that the analysts were not allowed to do their job and were told what their conclusions would be before hand — just as …