Event: American Greatness: Sovereignty or Submission? Citizen or Subject?

EVENT: 16 October 2019 Washington, D.C. Tucker Carlson confirmed as keynote. Free, registration required see below. Sovereignty or submission? Whither the West? And more specifically, which way America? Will citizenship mean something distinctive and important and will the country be run for the benefit of its citizens or not? That’s the question that’s at the …

Review: The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald – BANNED by Amazon in Violation of the 1st Amendment

Kevin MacDonald 5 Star Brilliant Dissection of Political and Economic History — Reality — that is CENSORED by Amazon and the Mainstream Media Review by Robert David Steele I have been very diligent about distinguishing between Zionism (the invented criminal genocidal apartheid state of Israel and its 1% elite Deep State backers) and Judaism (the …

Owl: Bradford Hanson Reflections on Jewish Intermarriage into Native Elites – Is Donald Trump Owned by the Zionists?

Reflections on Jewish Intermarriage into Native Elites Jewish intermarriage into non-Jewish power elites is a significant but under-researched aspect of Jewish strategies to maintain and expand influence. In fact, within a century the scale of Jewish intermarriage with the British aristocracy was such that it led L.G. Pine, editor of Burke’s Peerage from 1949–1959, to …