Unz Report: China’s Reality — America’s False Propaganda?

China: A Cold Shower It’s only a lump. It will probably go away. Fred Reed …if you watch what the Chinese are actually doing, you may get the impression that China is largely ignoring the American military and letting the US spend itself to death while Beijing focuses on commerce, business, R-and-D, commerce, the economy, …

Who’s Who in Stellar Intelligence: Randy Cramer

Captain Randy Cramer is an officer who has been given authority to address the public on behalf of the command staff of United States Marine Corps, special section. Which was created by President Eisenhower in 1953, as a covert military intelligence branch, with specific authority over Extra-Terrestrial, multi-dimensional, non-human, and off world beings, consortiums and …

Review (Publisher): Corporate Crime and Punishment: The Crisis of Underenforcement

In the early 2000s, federal enforcement efforts sent white collar criminals at Enron and WorldCom to prison. But since the 2008 financial collapse, this famously hasn’t happened. Corporations have been permitted to enter into deferred prosecution agreements and avoid criminal convictions, in part due to a mistaken assumption that leniency would encourage cooperation and because …