CrisisWatch N°91, 1 March 2011

CrisisWatch N°91, 1 March 2011 (pdf) Anti-government protests also took place in Oman and Djibouti. In Afghanistan, the standoff continued between President Hamid Karzai and the opposition over the flawed September parliamentary election. A controversial special tribunal set up by Karzai – which the opposition condemns as unconstitutional – has started recounting votes in several …

Event: 24 March Bethesda MD Health Informatics Sponsored by Twitter @DCHealth2.0

Plan to join us the evening of March 24th to hear a rapid-fire series of short presentations from five Health Informatics leaders. The presentations will be followed by a panel style Q&A session that will explore a range of topics surrounding Health Informatics. 1. Exploring the role of medical image informatics in clinical practice: Outcomes …

Secrecy News: CIA Culture In Detail

LONG STRANGE JOURNEY: A WHISTLEBLOWER’S TALE In the vast literature of intelligence-related memoirs, the new book Long Strange Journey by Patrick G. Eddington stands out in several ways. Eddington entered the intelligence arena as an imagery analyst for the CIA’s National Photographic Intelligence Center.  Imagery analysis is a predominately technical activity and is not normally …

Review: Reality Is Broken–Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World

Jane McGonigal 6 Star for Concept–Ignores Past Pioneers–Energizes Us All February 28, 2011 I took the time to read all of the reviews to date, and was reminded again of the chasm between those who understand technology and its possibilities, and those who do not. Being among the latter, in part because I am a …

TCP/IP Alternative Solution Scenarios

From Scott at SolarNetOne via GoogleGroup on DistributedDecentralizedInternet TCP/IP over quantum entanglement TCP/IP over frequency ranges not yet used … TCP/IP over Tesla’s scalar impulses Phi Beta Iota: DuckDuckGo stacks added. See Also: Free Space Optics Contextual Comment Below the Line