#UNRIG: MeetUp Discriminates Against Alt-Right? Lies About Threats & Harrassment? Law Suit Planned, Never Mind Their Arbitration Clause

The following exchange has occurred with MeetUp Legal. The Alt-Right “justiification” is clearly bogus, their CEO made a stupid decision that puts his entire privately-owned company at risk, something we are going to make sure every potential investor is made aware of.  MeetUp is dead., Facebook Communities is where it’s at.  The throw-away attack line …

#UNRIG: Should MeetUp Be Investigated for Sedition & Racketeering? Lawsuit Planned — Meanwhile Facebook Prepares to Wipe MeetUp Out…

Should MeetUp Be Investigated for Sedition & Racketeering? When MeetUp closed our #UNRIG Pro (paid) national network, 435 MeetUps in the making with revenue for MeetUp of $77,300, we thought MeetUp had been victim of a Zionist campaign of false reports — what Zionists do for institutions is file hundreds of “inappropriate content” reports such …