#UNRIG: Summer of Peace — New Website, Meet-Up, National Tour

NEW: Civics Meet-Up is now open for #UNRIG conversations across the country. Robert Steele is leading one in Oakton at noon on 4th of July. NEW: http://unrig.net is now open.  Includes a detailed budget, free bumper stickers, posters, polo shirt embroidery ideas, pins, and more. NEW: Cynthia is back in the USA on 2 July, …

Steve Bhaerman: Beyond Resistance A Chance for We the People to #UNRIG a Fixed Game

Beyond Resistance A Chance for We the People to #UNRIG a Fixed Game What you resist persists. Ever since I first began studying perennial philosophy back in the late 1970s, I’ve been hearing this little mantra, and I have found it to be true. The more we — to use the words of Abraham / …