SchwartzReport: Worst Bee Die-Off in 40 Years — Meanwhile, US Poor Make $2.13 versus Koch Brothers $3 Million an Hour

Two readers, one a beekeeper reader sent me this, the beekeeper saying he had lost over half his hives this year. I found it very depressing. All of this is the result of a few corporations I do not hesitate to call evil. If the bees go, the human race may not be far behind. …

SchwartzReport: Good and Bad Farm News, Lab Organs, Telecommuting Congress

This is some wonderful good news; it offers an alternative to the chemical and poison driven agriculture model that dominates our world now. It also offers an answer to the vast youth unemployment problem we have in our inner cities, as well as eliminating a great deal of pollution arising from trucking food across the …

SchwartzReport: Shared Vision of Benevelot Future Inspires Reform

This is a study which should be read, and acted upon, by all politicians. People, not surprisingly, want things to get better. Scientists Find Visions of a Benevolent Future Society Motivate Reform ERIC W. DOLAN – The Raw Story Activists, take note: People support reform if they believe the changes will enhance the future character …

SchwartzReport: Supreme Court vs. Monsanto, Autisim, Obesity, & Premature Puberty All Because of Corrupt Food Practices

Like a car careening down a mountain road, we seem unable as a people and as a nation to gain control of our government and to make it serve national wellness instead of profit. Day after day these stories track the degradation of our quality of life. Only mass demonstrations and mass voting is going …

SchwartzReport: China Breeding “Enhanced” People [While Exporting Surplus Males], Stupid Humans a Western Cancer, Willful Ignorance of the US Progressives–Only the Quakers Get It Right

This is the latest in the Homo Superiorus Trend. I predict this is going to become a major issue very quickly. Chinese Eugenics Factory Collects ‘Genius” DNA To Breed ‘Enhanced” People JURRIAAN MAESSEN – Blacklisted News Here is why movements like the Tea Baggers, the modern version of the Know Nothings who plagued America in …

SchwartzReport: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, & The Really Ugly

GOOD:  Solar Power to Hit Cost Parity Next Year RP SIEGEL – Triple Pundit BAD:  Amanpour on Iraq: Where Were the Journalists? DAVID FERGUSON – The Raw Story UGLY:  The Last Letter: A Message to George Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran TOMAS YOUNG – Truthdig REALLY UGLY:  America’s Dirtiest Coal Company[Deliberate Bankrupcy …

SchwartzReport: Prison Profiteers Are Neo-Slaveholders and Solitary Is Their Weapon of Choice

Prison Profiteers Are Neo-Slaveholders and Solitary Is Their Weapon of Choice By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed, 18 March 2013 If, as Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote, “the degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons” then we are a nation of barbarians. Our vast network of federal and state prisons, with …