Steven Vervaecke: Berty & Scuttlebutt — Mesh Messaging No Internet Web 3.0 Foundation Layer? In my opinion if you consider the current emerging web 3.0 technologies as next gen. Then this is the generation after that. This is almost identical in functioning as It uses BLE which is Bluetooth to transfer data. And is highly functional in a densely populated area. The range of BLE is about …

Event: Free Online 25 January 6 PM Eastern Daniel Pinchbeck & Sean Stone – Fight Club!

FIGHT CLUB!  Extraterrestrial Drug Czar & Brilliant Author Confronts Pro Trump Anti Hollywood Movie Producer & Converted Muslim Sean Stone On Monday evening, I am holding a free public conversation with director, actor and talk show host Sean Stone (son of the well-known director Oliver Stone). I am friends with Sean. We have had some …