Penguin: Web 3.0 Player? Google Competitor Presearch Launches Decentralized Search Engine

Google Competitor Presearch Launches Decentralized Search Engine Presearch aims to end Google’s search monopoly while providing privacy and rewarding users with crypto. In brief Presearch is a privacy-centric search engine that is going live. Users are rewarded with PRE tokens. The blockchain-based search engine is designed to protect user IP addresses, device info, browsers, and …

Penguin: Fediverse and Web 3.0 – Emergent!

6 reasons the Fediverse is better than regular social media Reason 1: It’s decentralized Reason 2: It can’t be censored Reason 3: Free as in freedom Reason 4: It respects your privacy Reason 5: It’s all about the community Reason 6: There’s an instance for everyone

Steven Vervaecke: One Way to Create Your Own Web 3.0 Server Plus Comments

I have talked extensively about the fediverse, the decentral web, FAAMG alternatives and big tech censorship. My blogs offer a compelling overview and I have done work & stories for Robert David Steele about the decentral web. So you may ask yourself, after all this talk about going decentral and web 3.0, how do you …