James Fetzer: The Assassination of US Sen. Paul Wellstone, One of the Last Anti-War Populist Progressives

 Alert Reader: It has been documented that the FBI left to investigate the crash before the crash occurred [Editor’s note: The crash took place about 60 miles north of my office on the Duluth Campus of the University of Minnesota, where I was being interviewed by a reporter for an alternative journal. He said, “The …

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

#UNRIG Cap Hi! Sorry I know you probably covered this but I can’t find it on phibetaiota.net. Where can I purchase a #UNRIG baseball cap? 3 Battles How would you tie the three battles I believe we are facing today. I see them as political, spiritual, and interstellar.

JC Cole: American Gray Swans – March 2021 #2 Oil, NATO, America & Russia

In a recent article of the Gray Swans I listed a series of suspicious events related to energy and a possible on-going sabotage of petroleum choke points (Link). Here is an up-dated list including the growing tensions between NATO and Russia. Below are listed Events since Creepy Sleepy Joe canceled the Keystone pipeline and petroleum …