Berto Jongman: Pentagon Worried About Its Own Collapse in 20 Years…

Pentagon Report Predicts Collapse of US Military Within 20 Years Faced with the challenges of global climate change as well as the refugee crisis and armed conflicts it will create, the U.S. military may very well collapse. That’s the dire conclusion of a Pentagon-commissioned report about the future of the military, first published online in …

SPECIAL: White House Letter to Pelosi Documenting Democratic Treason in Detail (Full Text Online)

Highlights: I. Your “Inquiry” Is Constitutionally Invalid and Violates Basic Due Process Rights and the Separation of Powers. II. The Invalid “Impeachment Inquiry” Plainly Seeks To Reverse the Election of 2016 and To Influence the Election of 2020. III. There Is No Legitimate Basis for Your “Impeachment Inquiry”; Instead, the Committees’ Actions Raise Serious Questions. …

Review: Adopting Mission Command: Developing Leaders for a Superior Command Culture by Donald E. Vandergriff

Donald E. Vandergriff, Adopting Mission Command: Developing Leaders for a Superior Command Culture (Naval Institute Press, 2019) 5 Star Potentially Epic – Could Turn US Military Into an Effective Force Reviewed by Robert David Steele I met the author through Col Dr. Doug Macgregor, USA (Ret), whose various books, but most recently and especially Margin …