Robert Steele: The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections

The Second American Revolution – Abbreviated Reflections Russian International Affairs Council 26 November 2018 I had occasion recently to engage with the thinking of the very talented Professor Igor Panarin, a most distinguished Russian intelligence officer and strategic forecaster, and today the dean of the Russian school for future diplomats. In 1998 he predicted the …

Jean James: Broken and Corrupt Police Forces in Collusion with Broken and Corrupt Judges, Lawyers, and Accounting Firms – A UK Case Study

British born Canadian, Jean James, is a visual artist, writer, and researcher, with a particular interest in organised crime and public sector corruption. Since her family was defrauded in 2007 by criminals using the British Court of Protection as a tool, she discovered the racketeering that targets the elderly and vulnerable in the UK. Her …

Robert Steele: Synagogue False Flag — Baloney — FEMA Legalized Lies UPDATE 17: Synagogue Business as Usual…No Bio-Hazards?

SHORT URL: UPDATE 17: Synagogue opens quickly for business as usual, no problem with the alleged bio-hazards that would have kept it closed for a week to ten days. Note also two competing cover stories, one from New York one from Pittsburgh, of two different groups claiming to be responsible for the ritual cleaning.

Phantom Phixer: The Jesuits & The Sinking of the Titanic — a Cabal Murder of Elites Opposing its Central Banking Plans

CHAPTER 5: THE SINKING OF THE TITANIC Full text of chapter below the fold. When we think of events that have transpired in history over the last one hundred to two hundred years, there are certain events that stand out as ones of great horror, great surprise and great sadness. Of the many that come …

Owl: Pocahontas Revenge – Deep State False Flag White-Faces a Filipino UPDATE 6: Sayoc with Democratic Donor

This web page supplies a compilation of news about Florida bombing suspect, Cesar Sayoc. It especially notes the sloppiness and amateurishness of whichever Deep State operatives set up Sayoc to be a patsy in a FF making Trump and Republicans look blameworthy for the bomb packages: CNN graphics employees are currently tinkering with the Whiteness …

Jack Mullen: The Sandy Hook Hoax, The German’s Holocaust (Post Victory by the Allies), and the Real Final Solution

The Sandy Hook Hoax, The German’s Holocaust (Post Victory by the Allies), and the Real Final Solution The Sandy Hook School Shooting, of December 2012, is the continuation of events and agenda that deliberately incited World War Two (WW2) – ultimately resulting in the western world being captured and enslaved by a mentally ill cult, …