Robert Steele: Time for Pence to Go? Will Trump Campaign Implode? Or Can Trump Triumph All Ways?

Time for Pence to jump ship? “Brad Really S–t the Bed Saturday Night”: After Tulsa Catastrophe, Parscale—And Kushner—Is at the Top of Trump’s Hit List I have been calling for the dismissal of Pence for a long time. Replacing him with Nikki Haley would be a catastrophic mistake. Dr. Cynthia McKinney remains the only one …

Robert Steele: Is Brad Parscale Going to Betray Donald Trump?

The absence of professional intelligence and counterintelligence officers on Team Trump continues to cause me concern.  It should have been a huge red flag when over a hundred thousand people signed up for 19,000 seats, and most of them did not have legitimate addresses in the Tulsa, Oklahoma or adjacent states area. TikTok Teens and …

Trump Triumph Part II: $100 Trillion Stolen by Wall Street Recoverable — Robert Steele’s Open Letter to the President

11 June 2020 Open Letter to the President Leverage NSA, Clean Up Wall Street, Engage Authentic Black Leaders Mr. President, It is my good fortune to be a former spy and also good friends with Bill Binney and known to Mike Flynn.  It has taken me months to arrange for Bill Binney to speak on …

Trump Triumph Part III: Zionists, Antifa, Silicon Valley Exposed

Candace Owens Fundraiser For Alabama Bar Canceled By GoFundMe, Suspends Account Phi Beta Iota: In combination with the AIPAC and ADL alliance with Soros and Antifa and DNC, what this really means is “open season” against Silicon Valley. Once 9/11 and Epstein and NSA disclosures on Wall Street’s $200 trillion in illicit assets (half naked …

Dan Schultz: Trump Is In Trouble — GOP Betraying the President!

I was on a two-hour Zoom call last night with some of the precinct captains in my legislative district, and several of the low-level, paid, “Trump Victory” “field coordinators” were on the call.  At one point, after I had made a few other points throughout the call about the sorry state of our Party, I …