Owl: Is USA Planning False Flag In Syria to Start War? Plus Flakey “Legal Notice” from US Delegates to Iranian Conference

New false flag brewing in Syria? With Jerusalem now the new headquarters city of the US embassy there, it’s time to invade Syria.  Information in this link sourced in a Russian publication: A recent article, published in early May by Russian news agency RIA Novosti, should raise concern, as it exposes alleged plans for another …

Benjamin Fulford: Trump’s Secret Iran Plan (Very Very Clever)

Trump Iran sanctions aimed at forcing Middle East peace, Pentagon sources say The battle for the planet Earth has heated up again with major movements in the Middle East, Malaysia, Indonesia, Europe, the U.S., and elsewhere as a final showdown approaches between the Zionist fanatics who want World War 3 and the rest of humanity …

Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Zionists Control US National Security, New Nuclear Policy is About Spending Billions (Stealing from the Poor, Giving to the Rich)

Steele, Robert with Javad Heirannia. “Zionists control U.S. national security policy: ex-CIA officer,” Tehran Times, February 13, 2018. I am a patriot, true to the US Constitution. “The truth at any cost lowers all other costs.” The Zionists own the Congress as well as the Departments of State, Defense, and Homeland Security as well as …

Ray McGovern: Iran Is Not The Threat — Lies About Iran’s Sponsorship of Terrorism versus Zionist Terrorism Against Iran

MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity SUBJECT: Is Iran the “World’s Leading Sponsor of Terrorism?” EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/BACKGROUND  We are concerned by recent strident and stark public statements from key members of your Administration that paint Iran in very alarmist terms. The average American, without the benefit of history, could easily be …

Steven Aftergood: Congressional Research Service on The North Korean Nuclear Challenge – Military Options and Issues for Congress [Robert Steele: How President Trump Can Win the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018]

A new report from the Congressional Research Service identifies and examines seven possible directions for US policy, none of them risk-free or altogether satisfactory: *    maintaining the military status quo *    enhanced containment and deterrence *    denying DPRK acquisition of delivery systems capable of threatening the US *    eliminating ICBM facilities and launch pads *   …