Event: 3 PM Eastern Time Coffee Party Radio “Electoral Reform: What’s It Going to Take?” with Robert Steele

Robert Steele, foremost proponent for integral electoral reform (eight specific pieces) and author of the new book on Open Power that was briefly rated #1 in Civics at Amazon, will have a one-hour conversation on Coffee Party Radio, from 3-4 pm Eastern time today, Thursday 9 April 2014. Steele, former Reform Party candidate for President …

2015 Steele on Democracy Lost – “OUT OF CONTROL: Can Open (Public) Power Effect a Non-Violent Revolution?”

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Out of Control: Democracy Lost—Death of the USA—Can Open (Public) Power Effect a Non-violent Revolution? Is the USA a democracy? Have all of the checks and balances been corrupted across academia, civil society, commerce, government, law enforcement, media, military, and non-government/nonprofit domains? What can we, should we, do to restore integrity …

Open Power: Libertarian Focus

We are splitting Open Power in three to make it easier for the different constituencies to work with what particularly interests them.The original will remain focused on the Electoral Reform Act of 2015. Tools can be seen at http://tinyurl.com/OpenPower-Tools. Here is the Tiny URL for Libertarians: http://tinyurl.com/OpenPower-Libertarian.  Home page remains http://tinyurl.com/OpenPower. Robert Steele Short Bio …