Brian Wright: In Solidarity with Alex Jones—Review of a Book on Sandy Hook that was Abruptly Banned by Amazon

Mr. President, To an epistemological certainty, Sandy Hook was not real, nobody real died. Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill with the purpose of generating support for an extreme gun control and federal power agenda. This review will simply catalog the main factual data that 489 students, minus 20 = 469 students, plus 70 staff …

James Fetzer: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – How We Know Sandy Hook Was A FEMA Drill, Nobody Died, Obama Officials Confirmed It Was an Anti-Gun Propaganda Exercise

James Fetzer: How we Know Sandy Hook was a FEMA Drill for Gun Control where Nobody Died Dear Mr. President, The nation over which you currently preside has been subjected to an on-going series of staged shootings, most of which—for maximal emotional effect—have involved the reported deaths of children, none more dramatically than the Sandy …

James Fetzer: Memorandum for the President: Three Proofs We Have Not Been Told the Truth About 9/11

Three Proofs We Have Not Been Told The Truth About 9/11 4 July 2018 Dear Mr. President, The Impossible Entry. The footage of the South Tower hit exemplifies several anomalies, including a Boeing 767 flying at an impossible speed, an impossible entry into the building (in violation of Newton’s laws), and even passing through its …

James Fetzer: Are Sandy Hook “Victims” Alive and Well on Facebook?

It is five years since the Dec. 14, 2012 shooting massacre of 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper, school safety consultant, and a Sandy Hook “truther” whom Lenny Pozner sued but then dropped the lawsuit. On New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31, …