Rand Clifford: The Federal Reserve Caused the Great Depression

The Federal Reserve’s Great Depression Let’s start with Fed Governor Ben Bernanke’s burst of reality: —  “Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve System. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You’re right, we did it. We’re very …

Sam Sugar: How US Judges and Lawyers Screw the Elderly with Abusive Guardianship — Drug Them, Lock Them Up, and Steal Everything They Own — Never Mind the Protesting Relatives…

This book describes a judicial system that preys on the elderly and is determined to deem them unable to care for themselves. It is a system that allows those in control to take full advantage of their “wards of the state”—legally and under the watchful eyes of judges. It is called guardianship. Somewhere in there …

James Fetzer: Nobody Died at Sandy Hook (Free Online PDF and Individual Chapter PDFs)

This book was BANNED by Amazon. The editor, a distinguished professor (PhD) and former Marine Corps officer, has engaged a number of citizens whose intelligence and integrity is beyond challenge. A Supreme Court case centered on the 1st Amendment is likely to emerge from this book being banned by a Wisconsin judge in violation of …

Robert Steele: Megan Garber of Atlantic — Deep State Shill Attacks Alex Jones on Sandy Hook False Flag Operation

The Lasting Trauma of Alex Jones’s Lies The systems that have for so long helped to enforce the notion of collective truth in America are no longer sufficient: Deception is everywhere. And it is dangerous. ROBERT STEELE: Megan Garber is a tool — no doubt with the best of intentions but loosely educated — repeating …

Yoda: Is Falon Gong Organ Harvesting a PSYOP Against China?

An Alert Reader offers the following thoughts. Sitting at my desk all day doing interpreting, I watched all the videos of ITNJ and I learned a lot.  Thanks to whoever posted them.  Phenomenal work and very impressive members and witnesses. I hit an enormous psychological roadblock on this following one, about organ transplants in China, …

Wayne Jett: 11 June Day of Cabal Atonement – A New World Borning? Has Julian Assange Been Rescued?

NEW WORLD BORNING Infant Justice Arrives June 11, 2018 Four booms and we take their money.  Possibly good news for Julian Assange.  Read full post. Phi Beta Iota: Wayne Jett is the author of the most extraordinary book The Fruits of Graft, which documents how the Great Depressions was contrived by Wall Street with malice …