Robert Steele @ Amazon: REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE – 30 Years in the Wilderness

EPIC FULL COLOR 8.5″ x 11″ From 1989 to 2019 — for 30 years — the author, himself a former CIA spy and Marine Corps intelligence officer as well as the senior civilian responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA), has sought to reform U.S. Intelligence. The secret world costs the U.S. taxpayer …

Babette Bensoussan: Commercial Intelligence Choke Points — Why Businesses Fail to Make Good Decisions?

Business and Competitive Analysis: Definition, Context, and Benefits with Craig S. Fleisher 2007 CLASSIC Most organizations today are not structured or organized properly to make good decisions that will help them outperform their competition in the marketplace.12 It is commonplace for this book’s authors to hear from decisions makers who lament in retrospect: “If only …

Robert Steele: DoJ Review of CIA Russian Analysis — About Time (Mike Morrell is Afraid, Very Afraid, and So He Should Be)

Ex-top CIA official perturbed by John Durham’s review of intelligence analysts ROBERT STEELE: Worth a full read. Mike Morrell is afraid, and so he should be, because it will become immediately clear that the analysts were not allowed to do their job and were told what their conclusions would be before hand — just as …

Robert Steele: Causes of Death — Deep Truth, Shallow Truth, Google Lies, and Media Lies — Four Levels of Analysis

I am so very excited by the prospect of creating regional Open Source Agencies. “The truth at any cost lowers all other costs.” I now see so very clearly that my nine years at the CIA followed by five years creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity followed by sixteen years of wandering in the wilderness …