Review: Sudden Justice – America’s Secret Drone Wars

Chris Woods Excellent Historical Overview of the US Government’s Drone Assassination Program, November 23, 2016 This is one of three books on drone assassination that I am reviewing, the other two are Drones and the Future of Armed Conflict: Ethical, Legal, and Strategic Implications and We Kill Because We Can: From Soldiering to Assassination in …

Review: Drones and the Future of Armed Conflict – Ethical, Legal, and Strategic Implications

David Cortright, Rachel Fairhurst, Kristen Wall (eds.) Academic-Legal Perspective on the US Drone Assassination Program, November 23, 2016 This is one of three books on drone assassination that I am reviewing, the other two are Sudden Justice: America’s Secret Drone Wars (Terrorism and Global Justice) and We Kill Because We Can: From Soldiering to Assassination …

Review: We Kill Because We Can – From Soldiering to Assassination in the Drone Age

Laurie Calhoun Cultural-Ethical-Legal-Practical Indictment of US Drone Assassination Program, November 23, 2016 This is one of three books on drone assassination that I am reviewing, the other two are Sudden Justice: America’s Secret Drone Wars (Terrorism and Global Justice) and Drones and the Future of Armed Conflict: Ethical, Legal, and Strategic Implications. I was limited …

Owl: John Podesta Emails Exposing Elite Pedophilia and Satanic Rituals Including Child Murder “Snuffing” UPDATE 1

WIKILEAKS: PODESTA ‘SPIRIT COOKING’ DINNER MADE OF BLOOD, FRESH SEMEN AND BREASTMILK BY ARTIST MARINA ABRAMOVIC – MOST DISTURBING PODESTA EMAIL YET? ‘Spirit cooking” is one type of cooking you won’t find shown on any cable TV food channel. It is a phrase that has appeared in a Wikileaks email to Hilary Clinton campaign manager, John …

WAR: Massive Build Up at Diego Garcia Aimed at Russia & Syria? – Not Declared by Congress — the Last Gasp of a Mad Criminal Presidency? The Clinton Foundation’s Final “Pay to Play” Deliverable to Saudi Arabia and Israel?

Tip of the Hat to Antechinus Part I: US gearing up for false flag attack blamed on Russia that enables a massive attack on Syria that can pivot against Russia. This is outright criminal insanity.  “Something Big Is Underway On All Fronts“ Part II: An eye witness report on the massive build up of bombers, …

Owl: Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 Emails Being Released 1 November — Proves Treason by Hillary Clinton, Complicity by Obama, Lynch, & Comey UPDATE 1

Clinton Campaign About to Be Splattered Into a Million Pieces by Release of 33,000 Illicitly Destroyed Emails Showing Influence Peddling Quid Pro Quos and Other High Crimes as Well as Racism, Committing Felonies on Camera Anonymous sources on 4chan are saying that Wikileaks has Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails, and what’s in them will mean the …

Marcus Aurelius: Dead People Registering to Vote – Democratic Voter Fraud in Virginia

FBI Investigating After Dead People Registered To Vote In Swing State “Oftentimes we hear our Democratic colleagues suggest that voter fraud doesn’t exist in Virginia, or it’s a myth,” House Speaker William Howell, R-Stafford, said. “This is proof that voter fraud not only exists but is ongoing and is a threat to the integrity of …