Journal: Dumbest Congress Money Can Buy…

Yet another example of how the short-term exigencies of “smart” domestic politics creates pressures for a “not-so-smart” foreign policy. CS Turkey warns US over Armenian genocide vote SUZAN FRASER, Associated Press, 5 Mar 2010 ANKARA, Turkey – Turkey warned the Obama administration on Friday of negative diplomatic consequences if it doesn’t impede a U.S. resolution …

Journal: MILNET US Muscles South, Islamic Genocide

Muscling Latin America: The Pentagon has a new Monroe Doctrine (The Nation) In September Ecuador’s president, Rafael Correa, delivered on an electoral promise and refused to renew Washington’s decade-old, rent-free lease on an air base outside the Pacific coast town of Manta, which for the past ten years has served as the Pentagon’s main South …

Journal: Stupid Is As Stupid Does–Israel…Again

With the possible exception of Syria, Turkey is the most welcoming and friendliest country in the Mediterranean.  It is also the Islamic country that is on the friendliest terms with Israel.  It predecessor, the Ottoman Empire, had a distinguished history of providing a welcoming sanctuary for Jew persecuted by Christians, particular those in Spain.  But …