PACOM Week in Review Ending 20 September 2009

Hot Topics ID:  Indonesia eyes militant networks after Noordin killing 09/18/09 ID: Police: DNA confirms Noordin dead 09/19/09 ID: The Indonesian Police and the KPK Sued 09/17/09 IN: Crime tracking network system by 2011-12 09/20/09 LK: IMHO and the LTTE connection 09/20/09 MY: Malaysia: Untried Terror Suspects Free 09/16/09 NP: Are Nepal’s Maoists a threat …

EUCOM Week in Review Ending 2 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: NGOs discuss the future of nuclear power in Europe and Bulgaria 08/28/09 AZ: Karabakh Peace Process Must Be Fully Inclusive 09/01/09 CY: ‘North Cyprus isolation crime against humanity’ 09/02/09 CZ:  Czech soldiers have extremist leanings – military counterintelligence report 09/02/09 IL: ARMING TERRORIST ISRAEL 08/31/09 IL:  NICE to Enhance Security Offering With …