2014-03-01 Global Reality Daily 0900 East

We’re playing around. None of the RSS / curation offerings are satisfactory. As a side note: the President’s Daily Brief (PDB) is Top Secret Limited Distribution and costs roughly 219 million dollars a day and is seen by very few. This daily is free and open to all.

PDF (61 Pages): ARSTRAT_IO_Newsletter_v14_no_02  Articles included are: 1. Psychological Warfare Meets Hallmark: Colombia’s Christmas Ads Target Guerrillas 2. Pentagon’s Cyber Arm Poised to Expand Role 3. PLA Considers Setting Up Joint Command for Era Of Modern Warfare 4. DoD Hones Skills with Cyber Flag Exercise 5. General: Strategic Military Satellites Vulnerable to Attack in Future …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan-Saudi Arabia Military Pact — Implications for China, India, Iran, And All Others

Pakistan – Saudi Arabia: The initial features of a bilateral strategic security and defense agreement between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have been agreed upon, according to unconfirmed sources. Under the agreement, Pakistan reportedly will provide all possible support to the Saudi army for defense of Saudi soil in any case of foreign aggression. Rumors in …