2003 PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future

Books w/Steele, Decision-Making & Decision-Support, Intelligence (Government/Secret), Intelligence (Public), Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class
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With a tip of the hat to the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association and the Netherlands Defence College who hosted the most original conference on this topic ever, butdid not plan a book, I stepped in to meet the need for such a book.  I learned from this group, especially from  co-editors Ben de Jong and Wies Patje, and General Patrick Cammaert, RN NL (featured on the cover, in blue uniform) .

The United Nations continues to lack organic decision-support (the same is true of NATO).  Being dependent on Member states that either do not invest in decision-support to begin with, or if they do, focus almost exclusively on secret sources and methods, is a certain prescription for issuing uninformed strategic mandates, poorly-devised force structure requets, dangerous tactical rules of engagement, and insufficient technical authorizations.

The book includes excerpts from the Brahimi Report and a Leadership Digest for Peacekeeping Intelligence.

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